Category Name: practice updates

PEM Playbook

PEM Playbook – Intranasal Medications and You

Intranasal medications, if understood and employed properly, are a great choice to avoid an IV or as a bridge until IV access is obtained. Learn the strengths and limits of intranasal fentanyl, midazolam, ketamine, and dexmedetomidine.


Updates on Recommendations for STI Treatments & Empiric Therapy: When to Treat and What to Treat Depending on your Patient

It is essential for Emergency Physicians to know the standard of care for sexually transmitted infection (STI) treatments, as patients often present to Emergency Departments for evaluation and treatment shortly after exposure to these diseases. The Emergency Department provides patients with rapid screening, diagnosis, treatment regimens, and access to outpatient follow up.

practice updates

R.E.B.E.L. EM – More Dogma: Epi in Digital Nerve Blocks

You are working as an EM resident and have just evaluated a patient with a right long finger DIP joint dislocation. You perform a digital nerve block with 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine, and go to present to your attending before attempting the reduction. Your attending, on hearing about th...

practice updates

Cholangitis: Deadly Cause of Right Upper Quadrant Abdominal Pain

Cholangitis should be considered in patients with undifferentiated sepsis. Ruling in or out the diagnosis of cholangitis is no longer based on clinical exam alone. The addition of imaging and bloodwork to the clinical exam are much more reliable. Resuscitation, antibiotics and consultation for early biliary decompression are the mainstays of cholangitis treatment.

clinical cases

Splenic Infarction in Mononucleosis: Pearls and Pitfalls

Remember that patient you had with a week of sore throat and fatigue who presented with new left upper abdominal pain? Splenic infarction isn't such a rare entity in mononucleosis... This post is full of pearls and pitfalls in the diagnosis and management of splenic infarction in mono.