Category Name: practice updates

practice updates

ECMO in the Ped ED

Remaining vigilant for the child with a subtle presentation of a severe illness is part of our job in the Ped ED; however, sometimes, the illness is not subtle and the child requires critical actions (ex, Damage Control Resuscitation, Mechanical Ventilation, Optimize Chest Compressions) . Often, i...

clinical cases

Subtle ECG Findings in ACS: Part III Benign Early Repolarization vs. Anterior STEMI

Welcome to the third blog post in a series on subtle ECG findings in ACS. This post about mimics: benign early repolarization (BER) and the anterior STEMI. Each of these can mimic the other. The problem is that one of these diagnoses is deadly and the other is a normal variant.

practice updates

Hemoptysis: An EM primer

The second post in the new EM Primer Series…Ranging from benign to life-threatening etiologies, what are the pearls you need to know for hemoptysis?

clinical cases

Subtle ECG findings in ACS: Part II Hyperacute T-Waves

What if you could identify a patient with complete coronary vessel occlusion almost immediately after it occurs, before the ST segments begin to elevate? What if you could pick up the very subtle, early MI? We know that early recognition and intervention improves outcomes in patients with coronary a...

practice updates

Managing the Hanging Injury

The patient with attempted hanging can present several challenges for ED providers. What injuries should you evaluate for, and how do you maximize outcomes?

clinical cases

Subtle ECG Findings in ACS: Part I Left Main Coronary Artery Disease

When it comes to ACS, some ECGs are obvious. This article is not about those ECGs. This article will be the first in a series of blog posts related to subtle ECG findings in ACS. In this post we will look at ECG findings associated with left main coronary artery disease and explore the significance of ST-segment elevation in the “forgotten lead”.