Category Name: practice updates

PEM Playbook

PEM Playbook – Adventures in RSI

Pediatric airway management is a skill that integrates the three types of knowledge as described by the ancient Greeks: Episteme — theoretical knowledge Techne — technical knowledge Phronesis — practical wisdom — also called prudence. Here we’ll invoke each type of knowledge and unde...

practice updates

Toxicologic Tachycardias

Several agents, both legal and illegal, can cause significantly elevated heart rates. This article reviews the most common causes of drug-induced tachycardia. Diagnosis and management of these conditions are also discussed.

practice updates

Facial Nerve Blocks

The patient with facial pain/injury can present significant challenges for analgesia. Facial nerve blocks present an avenue for great analgesia without compromising wound appearance/repair. What are the pearls and pitfalls for these blocks?

In the Literature

Blood cultures: when do they make a meaningful impact on clinical care?

Bacteremia affects 200,000 patients per year, with the potential of causing significant mortality. Blood cultures are considered the most sensitive method for detecting bacteremia and are commonly obtained in patients with fever, chills, leukocytosis, focal infections, sepsis, or suspected endocarditis. However, what is the literature behind obtaining cultures in the ED?