Category Name: em@3am


EM@3AM: Burns

An 18-year-old male has been found unresponsive in a house fire with severe burns. VS in the field include T 37.5C, BP 144/77, HR 110, RR 15, Pulse Ox 98% on RA. You have minutes to prepare your team to care for this patient. What’s your next step in evaluation and treatment?


EM@3AM: Giant Cell/Temporal Arteritis

A 57-year-old female presents with right sided headache and mild fever (100.8 F). You note an enlarged, tender temporal artery with beading on exam. She denies vision changes. What is the diagnosis, and what are your next steps?


EM@3AM: Endocarditis

A 26-year-old female presents with fevers and chills. She is febrile and tachycardic, with normal BP. You think you hear a murmur on exam, and on further questioning, she says she regularly uses IV drugs. What should you consider, and what are your next steps?


EM@3AM: Hypertensive Emergency

A 63-year-old female presents with nausea, vomiting, and altered mental status. Initial VS demonstrate BP 225/121, HR 88, 98% RA, T 98F, RR 18. What are your next steps?


EM@3AM – Hyperthermia

A 23-year-old male is brought in by EMS with agitation. His VS include T 41 C, HR 133, BP 182/115, RR 26, D stick 118. EMS is concerned for ingestion, and the patient is not cooperative. What's your next step?


EM@3AM: Post Cardiac Arrest Care

A 42-year-old male is brought in by EMS with ventricular fibrillation. You are finally able to obtain ROSC, though the patient remains comatose. What are your next steps? This week's EM@3AM covers post cardiac arrest care.


EM@3AM: Uterine Perforation

Welcome to EM@3AM! This week's post evaluates a case of a 31 y/o female who presents with severe, acute lower abdominal pain 6 hours after a D&C for an elective abortion. What do you need to know?


EM@3AM – Hypothermia

A 42-year-old female presents with altered mental status after being found outside. She is bradycardic and hypotensive, and your normal thermometer reads "Error". You ask for a core monitor, which provides a reading of 27C.