Search Results for: poisoning


ToxCard: Paraquat Toxicity

Paraquat is a herbicide that is rapidly absorbed and undergoes redox-cycling with generation of ROS causing cellular dysfunction and death. Tolerate hypoxia and avoid oxygen as it can promote oxidative stress and causes further tissue damage.


ToxCard: Green Urine?

Diquat is a bipyridyl compound used as an herbicide and is a rare form of poisoning. Diagnosis is made by history and urine sodium dithionite test with green coloration (dose related color intensity) of the urine.

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Abdominal Pain Mimics: Pearls and Pitfalls

What are some potentially dangerous conditions that can result in abdominal pain, but often are not at the top of our differential? This post looks at the "Cannot Miss", "Dime a Dozen", and "Zebra" conditions.