- Oct 7th, 2023
- Alessandra Della Porta
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Category Name: em@3am
- Sep 23rd, 2023
- Thijs Wolf
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A 36-year-old female presents to the ED after experiencing an episode of sudden syncope. The patient has no significant past medical history, and reports that she was walking to the end of her driveway to retrieve her mail when she suddenly collapsed to the ground. She recalls waking up on her drive...
- Sep 9th, 2023
- Jacob Kirkland
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A 35-year-old right handed male with no significant past medical history presents with a deep hand laceration. The patient states they suffered a cut with a box cutter at a construction site. He presents to the ED with profound difficulty extending his middle and ring finger and a laceration over the extensor surface. What is the diagnosis?
- Aug 26th, 2023
- Haley Sinatro
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A 32-year-old male with HIV presents to the ED for loss of taste. He noticed white plaques on his tongue. Although painless, the plaque is associated with a cotton sensation and a dull sense of taste. The patient reports being compliant with his medications and denies other symptoms. His tongue is c...
- Aug 12th, 2023
- Jacob Kirkland
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A 41-year-old male with no significant past medical history presents with a deep hand laceration. The patient states they were cutting an avocado when the knife pierced through and punctured his hand. He presented to the emergency department because he is having numbness distal to the site of injury, as well as constant bleeding and some difficulty with flexing his finger.
- Jul 29th, 2023
- Veronica Morgan
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A 75-year-old male presents to the ED with right facial swelling since last night. He is also complaining of pain and subjective fevers. Initial vital signs include BP of 150/85, HR 103, T 100.8, RR 18, SpO2 97% on RA. Exam reveals the patient to be ill-appearing with a focal area of swelling medial...
- Jul 15th, 2023
- Mounir Contreras Cejin
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A 65-year-old female with a history of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, chronic lymphedema and venous insufficiency presents to the ED with redness to her right leg noted 2 days ago but worsening since yesterday. She has had pruritus and swelling to the site accompanied by a painful burning sensatio...
- Jul 1st, 2023
- Maha Khalid
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A 3-year-old male presents to the ED with one week of daily fevers >102°F associated with four days of rash on the trunk. His parents have been managing his fevers with acetaminophen and ibuprofen, but became worried today when they noticed redness and swelling of the tongue in addition to swelling...