Category Name: practice updates

practice updates

A Myth Revisited: Epinephrine for Cardiac Arrest

Epinephrine is a key component of ACLS measures. But what does the data show? This post evaluates the ACLS recommendations for epinephrine in cardiac arrest, the literature behind its use, and future directions.

practice updates

The Great and Powerful HEART Score: Does it have a weakness?

The HEART score and pathway have revolutionized evaluation of the chest pain patient in the ED. This pathway can reduce risk of missed major cardiovascular event to < 1%. Many centers utilize the HEART pathway; however, do the score and pathway have a weakness?

practice updates

Hydrofluoric Acid: The Burn that keeps on Burning

Hydrofluoric acid...We have heard of the dangers of this toxic acid, but many have not evaluated and managed patients with HF exposure. This post details a case, followed by pearls and pitfalls in the pathophysiology, types of exposure, evaluation, and management of HF exposure.

practice updates

Approach to Tachypnea in the ED Setting

Tachypnea is defined as rapid breathing noted on clinical presentation. This finding can signify the presence of a dangerous condition, and this post evaluates the etiologies, evaluation, and management of the tachypneic patient in the ED. Are you missing something with tachypnea in the ED?

practice updates

Can’t Miss Surgical Emergencies – Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of the two-part series on surgical emergencies. This series discusses “cannot miss” diagnoses that require emergent surgical intervention. Today we discuss necrotizing fasciitis, testicular torsion, and ovarian torsion.


Managing Sexual Assault in the Emergency Department

Managing Sexual Assault in the Emergency Department This review will address patient stabilization, provide recommendations for obtaining a medical and assault history, and detail pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection prophylaxis. An in-depth discussion of the forensic examination will be om...