Category Name: practice updates

practice updates

Hypertensive Crisis in Kids

I think that we’d all agree that 144/89 is not a normal blood pressure, but it is one that those of us who have the pleasure of caring for adults will look at with almost a sense of comfort – because it isn’t 70/30 or 210/120. Unfortunately, however, this sense of reassurance cannot be had wh...

practice updates

Posterior MI Recognition

Posterior MIs can be tricky...learn how to recognize this rare set of MIs through this post

practice updates

Core EM: Infections in Pregnancy

A great post by Core EM - Bringing core EM content to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Learn the common infections in pregnancy by Dr. Jenny Beck-Esmay, MD (@jbeckesmay)

practice updates

Discharge Strategies

Tips for ensuring the safety of discharged patients, from a newly minted attending physician

practice updates

Missed Myocardial Infarction in the Emergency Department

Two cases, where patients return with crushing chest pain to a different ED, and both patients’ ECGs show ST elevation with reciprocal changes. What was missed on the first visit? Could the initial ED physician have done anything differently?