Category Name: TOXCards

practice updates

Lipid Emulsion Therapy

"The lack of high-quality controlled human studies precludes ILE as a first-line agent for indications other than local anesthetic systemic toxicity" Thanks to James Cao, MD for this excellent review of the literature on the use of ILE therapy in various toxicologic emergencies.

practice updates

Electronic Cigarettes and Liquid Nicotine Poisoning

"The delayed phase consists of cns and respiratory depression, dyspnea, bradycardia, hypotension, shock, mydriasis, weakness, muscle paralysis, and coma"We are very pleased to present you with this overview on the potential dangers of electronic cigarettes and liquid nicotine from the toxicologists at UT Southwestern.

practice updates

Synthetic Cannabinoids

"There have been a growing number of cases associated with life-threatening neurotoxic effects and cardiotoxic effects"Cynthia Santos, MD gives a nice overview of the increasingly popular synthetic cannabinoids, including the range of clinical presentations, management, and the bottom line for your practice in the ED.

practice updates

Bath Salts

"Psychosis that can last for days to weeks"Unless your patient on bath salts is very forthcoming, you may be on your own when making this clinical diagnosis. Be prepared with this primer on cathinones by Kyle Brown, MD.