Category Name: TOXCards


ToxCard: Colchicine Toxicity

Colchicine toxicity can be deadly. This ToxCard looks at the pathophysiology, evaluation, and management.


ToxCard: Paraquat Toxicity

Paraquat is a herbicide that is rapidly absorbed and undergoes redox-cycling with generation of ROS causing cellular dysfunction and death. Tolerate hypoxia and avoid oxygen as it can promote oxidative stress and causes further tissue damage.


ToxCard: Chasing the Dragon

Chasing the Dragon refers to the practice of heroin inhalation by placing heroin in a small square of aluminum foil which is then heated from below. As the heroin melts it turns into a reddish-brown substance that may resemble a dragon’s tail. Inhaling heroin may induce toxic leukoencephalopathy, which has no proven treatment and recovery, if any, is prolonged.


ToxCard: Cotton Fever

What's cotton fever and its mechanism of action? How should you manage a patient you suspect is suffering from cotton fever?


ToxCard: Green Urine?

Diquat is a bipyridyl compound used as an herbicide and is a rare form of poisoning. Diagnosis is made by history and urine sodium dithionite test with green coloration (dose related color intensity) of the urine.


ToxCard: Riot Control Agents

In recent weeks many law enforcement agencies around the country have used some form of tear gas against protesting civilians, resulting in the most widespread domestic use of riot control agents against civilians since the period of unrest of the '60s and '70s. Healthcare responders need to be aware of proper decontamination and initial supportive care when dealing with these agents.