Category Name: practice updates

practice updates

Post-Colonoscopy Complications

Colonoscopy is a widely utilized screening test. However, a variety of complications may occur. This post describes these complications and provides an approach to evaluation and management.

practice updates

When is Capnography Useful in the ED? Part I

How can you use capnography in the ED? This is Part I in a two part series evaluating capnography in the ED. Part I evaluates basic waveforms, cardiac arrest, ETT placement, and procedural sedation.

practice updates

Non-Traditional ACS Risk Factors: A Snake in the Grass

What other patient populations are at risk for developing atherosclerotic disease and ACS that emergency physicians can miss? If our community is responsible for recognizing and treating initial presentations of patients with ACS, we must not only be aware of atypical presentations of ACS, but also non-traditional risk factors for CHD.