Category Name: practice updates

practice updates

The Emergency Department Management of Posterior Epistaxis

On first glance, you observe active bleeding from the bilateral nares. Direct pressure has obtained hemostasis. What is your next step? Topical vasoconstrictors? Nasal packing? Can this patient go home, or does he need to be admitted? Let’s discuss a few key points about the management of posterior epistaxis.

practice updates

Lyme disease ED Presentations / Management Pearls and Pitfalls

The purpose of this article is to present a discussion on Lyme using a case based format. The goal is to expand the reader’s differential to include Lyme disease in a multitude of cases, provide tips/tricks for diagnosis and treatment, discuss the role of prophylaxis, and address Chronic Lyme Disease.

practice updates

The Complicated Delivery: What do you do?

Deliveries that occur in the emergency department are high-risk and high-stress situations. ED OB patients often have little or no prenatal care, and ED births have a higher perinatal mortality. The emergency provider needs to expect the unexpected, including precipitous delivery, shoulder dystocia,...

practice updates

FOAMed Resource Series Part V: Critical Care

Welcome to Part V of the FOAMed resource series! Today, we cover critical care, with several blogs and podcasts that could be considered the founders of FOAMed. This post is full of resources for those who love resuscitation.