Search Results for: post surgical complications

intern report

Rib Fractures in the Elderly

Why is it important to aggressively and appropriately manage rib fractures in elderly trauma patients? Recently, an 82 year-old male suffered a fall from standing, striking his left posterior flank against a cinder block, sustaining fractures of the left 7th-11th ribs with displacement of the 8th...

practice updates

The Sick Neonate

Rapid evaluation and management of the sick neonate is a required skill for the emergency physician. Here we present a brief but comprehensive strategy for resuscitating and stabilizing the critically ill neonate as well as some mnemonics for help remembering the differential diagnosis.

Ask Me Anything

Ask Me Anything with Steve Carroll, DO (@embasic)

Live Blog Ask Me Anything - Steve Carroll, DO window.cilAsyncInit = function() {cilEmbedManager.init()};(function() {if (window.cilVwRand === undefined) { window.cilVwRand = Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000); }var e = document.createElement('script');e.async = true;var domain = (document.locat...