Category Name: practice updates

practice updates

Atropine Not Needed for RSI

We have covered several other pediatric EM myths and misconceptions previously: Cuffed ETT are ok, a doughnut is not a good shape for LP Positioning, the 500:1 rule should not be used, Oral Rehydration is faster than IV, and you can/should give morphine to kids you are worried have appendicitis. Recently, I was reminded of another myth that continues to have a foothold: Atropine and RSI.

practice updates

The sepsis patient not improving after IV fluids and resuscitation: What should be considered? How can we improve?

You are in the midst of caring for a 62 year-old male who is tachycardic with HR 120, BP 88/42, T 101.2 oF, RR 26, and SpO2 98%. He was brought in by EMS for fever and myalgias, and with one look at his vital signs, he triggered the protocol for SIRS. Your initial exam showed similar vital signs...