Category Name: perspectives


emDOCs Wellness: Sleep and Shift Work

Sleep can be a battle with the constant change in shift schedule in emergency medicine. How do you improve sleep and your wellness? This post from Jennifer Robertson provides key points on sleep in emergency medicine.


The EM Educator Series: Sepsis in the ED

Welcome back to The EM Educator Series! These posts provide brief mini-cases followed by key questions to consider while working and educating. Today we look at several components of sepsis evaluation and management in the ED, followed by key references.


Quality Corner – The Bleeding Fistula and Neutropenic Fever

Welcome to Quality Corner, a new emDocs series evaluating tough cases and potential areas for improvement. The goal of this series is to provide you with the necessary information to optimize your care and documentation in the ED. Today we look at the bleeding fistula and neutropenic fever.