Category Name: em@3am


EM@3AM – Epididymitis

A 65-year-old male with epididymitis has been compliant with his antibiotic therapy for 4 days duration, but remains symptomatic. Is it time to consider an alternative diagnosis? Read this week's review to find out.


EM@3AM – Central Retinal Vein Occlusion

Painless monocular vision loss: what's on your differential? Let's take a minute to review central retinal vein occlusion.


EM@3AM – Carotid Artery Dissection

Carotid artery dissection: when is anti-platelet therapy preferred over anticoagulation? Read this week's review for a brief refresher.


EM@3AM – Corneal Ulcer

A contact lens wearer presents with a painful red eye. Examination is notable for a hazy cornea. Let's take a minute to review corneal ulceration.


EM@3AM – Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) Toxicity

A young female presents to the emergency department requesting testing for exposure to gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB). How do you advise the patient? Read this week's review for a number of helpful hints.


EM@3AM – Corneal Abrasion

Corneal abrasions: when should ophthalmology be consulted? Let's review a few pearls.


EM@3AM – Esophageal Perforation

A patient presents to the ED with chest pain following an upper endoscopy. Initial CXR and gastrograffin esophagram are negative. What do you do? Read on for pearls regarding the management of esophageal perforation.


EM@3AM – Flexor Tenosynovitis

Fusiform digit, finger held in flexion, pain with passive extension, tenderness to palpation of the flexor tendon sheath: you guessed it, let's talk flexor tenosynovitis.